Thursday, October 13, 2011

and i didnt do a single shit today

rested like a bloody boss today. not like bloody as in covered with blood but literally didnt do anything at all so lazyyyyyyyy. after class went to get slurpee, hanna's fault! hahaha picked up her brother, tapaoed chicken rice, had lunch with eme, showered, slepttttttttt till 6, woke up when jin called to ask for a favor for his visa app, watched tv, had dinner, helped eme's with maths problems, wtheck is circles i hate circles and i will always hate circles -_- and here i am :( so guiltyyyyyyy :( but its not really my fault cos off bloody period. okay this one is bloody. sorry! i know its weird talking about period but. yay!

and guess what! i won tickets to watch in perfect harmony! wohooo! i have no idea what it is actually :( but its like a production musical. giving my tickets to my parents though, i think they deserve it more than me. i think they really want to watch it and they talked about it but they didnt have the time to book it or choose the time esp for night shows cos they are usually full but now since they have the tickets, i guess they dont have a choice but to go! :) so im home alone tomorrow with eme, crystal is at school camp so depressing :( probably head out for dinner or something so that i dont miss my other family members too much :(

was looking through at my kindergarten photos sigh :( all the good times. i think when i was working at kindy it was probably the best time of my life. i was super tired, lol energy draining but i was the happiest person ever. like despite all my tiredness i was really happy inside, every morning i wake up i literally smile for work :) and all the good things back then. and i miss bryan so much! i cant visit him now cos all my classes are in the morning, except monday and friday and i plan to gate crash kindy and kiss him one million times. i dont think he remembers me anymore but he was the cutest most loving boy in kindy for me. and i was certainly bias, yes im a lousy teacher hahaha but he's so cute! some pictures i digged up :)

arranging his pillow, he's so clever isnt he! he chooses the flower pillow because he says its nice. and he likes blue because he says he's a boy. and he takes his own bedsheet and blanket too! hahaha so cute <3

relaxing after arranging his bed although his blanket his messed up so cute :) and milk time!

i think one of the saddest thing in life is when you cant feel what you want to feel. like for example when you are hungry and you wanna say you are hungry, you cant. not because its wrong to say youre hungry or because its a bad thing but its because you just cant. or when you feel like saying something nice to someone or when you genuinely want to say something good, but you cannot. so difficult. i have no idea where people get their will power from. when your heart doesnt go hand in hand with your head.

and of course the other saddest thing is that you have a three hour sadistic statistics lecture on friday and you dont know a single shit your lecturer is saying. i <3 stats.

happy friday yay and happy birthday baby jerome, 1 year old!

and for all the times we had it.

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