Tuesday, July 22, 2008

40 days prayer and fasting

heya! happy tuesday! :)
had the worst stomach wind in the whole entire universe today. felt like i was 9 months pregnant. ohkayy fine not like i know how does being pregnant nine months feel but yeahh it hurt like crapp :( but its better now! thank you god!

haha anyway today's the starting of the 40 days prayer and fasting! whooohoo! im actually rlly excited about it. i mean i never felt excited about fasting but this time i really feel like God wants to really open my eyes to many different things around me and to bulid a stronger relationship with him. and i really hope im not just building my relationship with God this 40 days but to use this opportunity to strengthen my relationship with Him for the rest of my life.

so anyway last sunday we had our annual prayer drive. we went around the highways just rlly praying and encouraging each other through out the whole way. yew juan rlly encouraged us to pray for our country and to instill the love for our country inside us.

and even as i was in the car i began to recall how amazing God has really blessed me and is still blessing me with so many things that i always take granted for. even as we were travelling down the highways we past by people walking and some low cost apartments. i was sitting comfortably in the car without any worries whether it was going to rain. and i have a house to cover my head every morning and night without worrying if i have any place to sleep tonight. i have amazing parents who continuosly care and nurture me providing me with everything i need. good friends. and awesome dg leaders! :D haha.

and you know sometimes this are the little things in life we always take granted for. we don't really bother because we think we deserve it. there are so many people out there homeless and even orphanages that dont have parents to shower them with love. and here i am complaning about things like not getting the clothes i want or about my room being too small and blah blah. its not wrong to want all this stuff but perhaps the next time i actually complain i would really need to look at another perspective.

when God blesses us He does it with a reason. and i feel like as we grow up its less about me me me me me all the time but we tend to pray more for other people. and i realise that when we pray more for other people we get blessed too! there'sfeel so go this nice feeling inside you that makes you good! and we don't necessarily have to bless them with expensive stuff but even little things like talking to them, eating recess with the people that usually sit alone, helping them with their homeworks, sharing food with people during recess. things like this that people are not in favor to do. but these are the stuff that God delights and takes pleasure in :)

have a good week everyone!


Yew Juan said...

Hey nat, WOW!!
I'm so impressed and so blown away!

You're so spot on in so many things. I'm sure God will really open up your eyes during this time of prayer and fasting and you'll grow so much in Him. You're truly taking the opportunity, can't wait to see what God has in store for ya!

Yes, we are so blessed, thanks for this reminder and that we should continue to think about and care for the less fortunate in this world. This is so exactly what Jesus would do too!

God is speaking to you in so many ways and i am very happy and excited for you! Keep on going nat! there's gonna be even more to your relationship with God. Let Him blow you away!

Yes, God is delighting and taking pleasure in u even as you say all this to Him and to everyone. I'm so proud of u, Nat and can only imagine that God is even more proud.

Have a great week, NAT! :)

Su said...

It's really awesome to see you on fire for this Awesome Nat :) You are right about being blessed. So many of us are indeed very blessed! Yet too often, we compare ourselves to others that seem to have more. If only we opened our eyes to others around us who are suffering, in pain, depressed etc.

It's a privilege for us to pray! We are blessed, let's bless others too. Love ya Nat :)