okay so this week is getting hectic. more homework, more notes, more stuffs to digest. and i was down with freaking flu and i nearly died, stupid flu medicine i tell you, arent all flu medicine supposed to make you drowsy -_- APPARENTLY NOT cos i was awake the whole night wtheck and was so freaking tired the whole day and had THREE awesome hours of stats lecture (Y)
math is still pretty okay, BUT I HAVE 8938493849383 maths homework. okay i guess i have no choice since my math is down the drain, so homework is supposedly good for me :( my stats, i have no comments at all, i really have to read up on my own. economics still bearable though things are getting harder already and accounts is still pretty okay but damn alot of homework also.
okay i know i am dreaming too far ahead, but a friend who just flew to LSE told me the campus is holyshit faints. super nice, i saw the pictures and omggggg :( though US will always be the shizz bomb forever and ever US you are forever in my heart (Y). but the campus actually looks really really really nice. ive never been one of those really smart and outstanding students in life. sometimes even below average. okay this is shit emo post because im currently having emo talk with jin whos flying off on the 19th of nov, wtheck so bloody fast :( so emotional turbulence. okay so anyway, yeah even in like life. generally. as in i feel like no matter how kind i am, or how much i work for it, the only things i will get back are always second best things. leftovers. yeahhhh i know right wtheck. life only favours the few.
but that was last time ok. now im totally onz for the best in life. i really hope i get into a top uni, and even if i dont right, i know i worked hard enough for it. i rather work hard and be disappointed than to always wonder if i could have done better. damn philosophical T_T maybe i should take sociology or something -____- it feels good to actually have a goal, i know what im actually doing. like i love checklists. everytime i finish something and cancel it off i feel damn happy, im a freak like that but its true! sense of accomplishment! freak (Y)
i need to start uploading pictures, my blog is so full of words now that im reading it i already feel like sleeping.
study mode onz (Y) say only never do one. BUT MUST DO LA OMG :(
i cannot believe you can actually do this. knew it.
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