Thursday, June 3, 2010


why is math so difficult. why :(
doomed for life.

kidding! :(

somebody praised me to day! bangga to the max, and the best part is, i got praised for the awesomest thing ever hehe :)

a clasmate asked what primary school i was in last time, and i said taman megah, (TAMAN MEGAH YOU'RE THE BOMB) and he said. ohh you not from chinese school? wahh ni te hua yi hen hao!


and i cleared my room! okay only the table only :/ but achievement to the max okay! 10000 things on my table. books. bottle. clothes. notes. movie tickets. bags. camera. ipod. money. watch. tissues -__-

by the end of the year, my heart is going to be super strong to the max. really one haha :)

happy friday (:

rufus wainright, you're the man!

this is so unfair.

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