Monday, July 4, 2011


weird. im gonna admit it, i think im really really weird. im really trying to stay at the same frequency as how old i am, but OMG PERRY IS KILLING ME :( i should be watching cnn and bloomberg and reading new york times, omg i read new york times for a short while i was online then phineas and ferb loaded and i got distracted :(

how now. im such a freakazoid :( BUT ITS OKAY IM SUPER HAPPY! :D you know, i used to be so happy last time. yeah i know im emphasizing on the word used. like nothing could bring me down, maybe except add math and accounts lol. sigh. but you know what, i think i found back the missing part of me, and although it isnt exactly all complete i think after so long, i found it back :)

perrrrrry :( got a perry mirror and a perry cellphone strap! thanks jie jo! <3 so happy la omg :'( can cry.

sucks tmr classes only start at one, but gotta revise freaking macro

followed perry on twitter! lol question of the week: is perry your boyfriend? :D

haha no lol, he's a platypus and he's a cartoon character, but he's really handsome and awesome! :D

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